Drunk History Part II
Hamilton vs. Burr
We begin in the Exotic Caribbean…
a tak serio to Check it out yourselves from 5:14
‘It’s a hellish Dickensian childhood.’
hellish hell (tak jak np. yellow – yellowish);
Dickensian like in Dickens’s novels (Hegel Hegelian etc., czyli przymiotnik od nazwiska). A jeśli chodzi o wymowę to będzie tam to rzadkie, acz piękne [ʒ] (czyli tak jak w ‘beige’, ‘leisure’, ‘pleasure’, ‘measure’, czy ‘Parisian’)
‘Hellish’ i ‘Dickensian’ – jednym słowem “przesrane”
‘We don’t know you from a hole in the ground.’
you’re nobody! And we don’t care for you.
‘Burr and Hamilton start their respective war careers.’
Respective = each starts their own; czyli każdy swoją zaczyna
‘And Burr has a really distinguished war career, like kills a lot of British dudes, has an amazing sort of run.’
distinguished = wybijał się i szanowany był
has an amazing run = dobrą passę miał
‘They’re cool until Burr runs against Hamilton’s father-in-law for senate.’they’re cool = they get on well
‘It was a tie between Jefferson and Burr.’
a tie = no one won and no one lost
‘Brush with greatness, and he’s got nothing.’
brush with greatness = otarł się o sławę
‘Hamilton talks shit about Burr all the time.’
talks shit = nadaje na niego
‘I don’t want it to go down like this, I really don’t.’ = Nie chcę, żeby tak to miało się skończyć, o nie, o nie.
‘Hamilton and Burr are at the same party, and by all accounts, Burr was sulking in the corner and Hamilton was standing on the bar, leading his friends in a song.’
by all accounts accounts = źródła tj. wszystkie źródła podają, że… (np. his account of the story differed from hers = róźniły się ich wersje wydarzeń)
sulk = dąsać się
‘But, here’s the thing. Hamilton writes letters before the final duel.’
here’s the thing = the thing is = rzecz w tym / problem w tym, że…
‘Burr was the cautious motherf***r who never let his opinion be known. And Hamilton was the reckless mother***r who let his opinion be known about everything.’
cautious = careful
reckless = not thinking about consequences
‘And in the one moment where it counted most, Hamilton was cautious and Burr was reckless. And that defined their legacies forever.’
legacy = what’s left after you = heritage
I taka to historia, ku przestrodze serc!
W sam raz na poniedziałek!